Latest reviews


Very long time to respond to messages after the purchase gave the impression that it is a scam But after the specialist contacted me and said that their bot for issuing keys to the wallet broke down and issued manually, everything is fine.

Latest reviews


It's working, but I bought it at the wrong time. Bitcoin seems to have started falling

Latest reviews


Promptly automatically give access to wallets, convenient and simple My approval among other sites you are a godsend

Latest reviews


Tolle Brieftaschen. Danke.

Latest reviews


Working wallets, but sometimes they give other wallets with the same balance

Latest reviews


One of the wallets was empty, refunded the money, but I hope you will fix it and remove empty wallets from your site

Latest reviews


It works, bought at a low exchange rate thanks

Latest reviews


The withdrawal instructions did not fit my country (I live in Japan), I had to withdraw funds in other ways, I transferred first to monero and only then withdrew it as recommended by a specialist, excellent service and the balance corresponds to reality

Latest reviews


I tried it from a small wallet without escrow, just trusting the reviews and everything went fine, I'm going to become your regular customer

Latest reviews


The balance was less than indicated, for this a big minus, but it is still profitable to purchase something like this if you know how to withdraw this money

Latest reviews


I liked everything except that all wallets have a darkmarket label and there are problems with withdrawal, but there are always ways around this

Latest reviews


As a result, there were no problems with the second wallet, thank you for your services, I will definitely buy more

Latest reviews


I bought a wallet with a small balance to check, everything worked fine, I'm going to buy a more expensive wallet

Latest reviews



Latest reviews


I bought for the growth of bitcoin, thank you for being honest, there's a lot of shit on the tor network lately

Latest reviews


Thank you, on the advice of a friend, I bought a wallet from you, I expect bitcoin to grow as soon as possible, until I withdraw :)

Latest reviews


Thank you, before that I fell for scammers and thought I wouldn't find a normal website anymore, I will definitely buy more as soon as I get paid

Latest reviews


It's not the first time I use your services, I recommended it to my friends and I'm counting on a discount!

Latest reviews


Working wallets, relevant at the moment,thank you

Latest reviews


Katta rahmat

Latest reviews


Initially, there were problems with the review, but the support service helped solve all the issues that arose For this, a separate respect

Latest reviews


Good wallets I hope in the future there will also be anonymous wallets for greater anonymity

Latest reviews


Thank you for your services

Latest reviews


Би Монголын маш ядуу орны хүн, та нарын ачаар би маш их миний санхүүгийн байдлыг сайжруулах боломжтой байсан, хөрөнгө гарах нь маш хэцүү байсан ч, баярлалаа

Latest reviews


Incredible guys thank you for being there

Latest reviews


덕분에 모든 작품,나는 다시 돌아올 것이다

Latest reviews


It was dangerous to buy something on the tor network, but I decided to try buying the smallest wallet with a balance In the end, everything worked out

Latest reviews


The balance was lower than it should be, but as I understand this is an exception to the rule, in any case it is profitable thank you

Latest reviews


Vous êtes de grands gars, laissez les gens ordinaires gagner des cours de Bitcoin

Latest reviews


Thank you for your work

Latest reviews


I buy for the second time, the amount turned out to be even slightly higher, I expect that someday you will start selling wallets with a usdt balance

Latest reviews


당신의 지갑을 주셔서 감사합니다,그들은 특히 비트 코인의 성장 동안,나에게 많은 도움이

Latest reviews


You guys just saved my life, I am mired in a debt pit, but with the help of your wallets I was able to pay all my loans and live a normal life, although to be honest, the withdrawal process is difficult and will not suit all beginners, but those who do not take risks do not celebrate victory

Latest reviews



Latest reviews



Latest reviews


Köszönöm, hogy a pénztárcáik jobbá tették a családom szerencséjét.

Latest reviews


Thanks 5/5

Latest reviews


Paldies par makiems

Latest reviews


Good job guys

Latest reviews


Muchas gracias por hacerme la vida mejor con vuestras carteras Compraré más en cuanto tenga oportunidad

Latest reviews


great work

Latest reviews



Latest reviews


Obrigado, recomendo o vendedor.

Latest reviews

arick 10.11.2022

I did not regret that I bought a cryptocurrency at such a low rate because sooner or later there will be growth

Latest reviews

dttoday 24.10.2022

Merci, tout ce que j'ai vu d'autre dans le tore était un canular, mais cela ne pouvait pas arriver avec vos services d'entiercement

Latest reviews

neverlove 12.10.2022

thanks you saved my financial situation

Latest reviews

Niveawq1 24.09.2022

Terima kasih banyak atas layanan Anda

Latest reviews

Marci 04.09.2022

Merci les matchs d'équilibre

Latest reviews

サウスストリームドラゴン 24.08.2022


Latest reviews

Anacondaz 19.08.2022


Latest reviews

REDFXRD 10.08.2022

Vielen Dank! Alles gut gelaufen

Latest reviews

Skkalaka 01.08.2022

It's time to buy when the rate is flying up, I'll come next time for more walletsl

Latest reviews

Daimon 18.07.2022

Thanks btc purce everything went well

Latest reviews

Boğa 12.07.2022

iyi cüzdanlar kursun sonbaharında ihtiyacınız olan şey

Latest reviews

pzadov 03.07.2022

+ rep for honesty

Latest reviews

wHISTLEER 25.06.2022

You guys have unreasonably expensive wallets, but this is a good price for reliability !!

Latest reviews

flue 19.06.2022

Pretty disappointing, I just bought a wallet and bitcoin just collapsed, but it's not your fault guys, when the rate rises to its previous values, I will buy again

Latest reviews

Illico 16.06.2022

I bought an account with a balance of 3 thousand dollars + reputation

Latest reviews

Josh92139213120120 09.06.2022

Thank you for your discount, guys, keep in mind for bulk orders you can get a good discount!

Latest reviews

Ogre 04.06.2022

Great work

Latest reviews

Wupsiti 28.05.2022

Bought a $100 wallet with a balance of $900 withdrawn via cash

Latest reviews

Damon0219 22.05.2022

I bought bitcoin while it fell and I recommend it to everyone who is new to cryptocurrency, this is a great start

Latest reviews

Hades 19.05.2022

Gracias chicos por una gran oportunidad de comprar bitcoins, saludos desde españa

Latest reviews

Maximumdecibels 15.05.2022

I got to the perfect time when they stopped believing in bitcoin again, bought wallets and will wait for the rate to rise thanks for your services

Latest reviews

Thomas 06.05.2022

Funktioniert, warte auf mehr Brieftaschen für mich und meine Freunde

Latest reviews

H3 02.05.2022

Guys beware of fakes, unfortunately I was inattentive and got caught on a copy of this site, but this is where everything works recommended

Latest reviews

Alex93 26.04.2022

I recommend buying large wallets, on small ones the balance may be a little less

Latest reviews

lasl1 19.04.2022


Latest reviews

smthlikeyou 16.04.2022

The balance corresponds, thanks I will wait for a discount for the review

Latest reviews

Alto 11.04.2022

I was worried about the store because there is a lot of deception on the network, but the guys agreed to escrow and the transaction was successful

Latest reviews

Hop style0 07.04.2022

Everything is fine on wallets, but you should add more payment methods guys!

Latest reviews

Get_scared 01.04.2022

I used it, thank you very much, I hope you will have other cryptocurrencies in the future

Latest reviews

Heqsmit 27.03.2022

The last two stores in the torus were scammers, but I was not mistaken with you

Latest reviews

Jango012 21.03.2022

I recommend these wallets, the guys do not cheat with the balance, I will contact you again in the future

Latest reviews

Usoppi 16.03.2022

Quick withdrawal of money according to the guide, good store

Latest reviews

Goldenboy 10.03.2022

Great,I expected scammers as always, but always fine

GON 03.03.2022

I have already bought three accounts, this is literally a gold mine if you know how to withdraw this money

Latest reviews

RasimLoko 24.02.2022

Thanks for the help, everything went well bought a wallet with a balance of 4000$

Latest reviews

Ldin11 19.02.2022

The transaction went on for a very long time, but I dont think its the stores fault

Latest reviews

MikeSS 17.02.2022


Latest reviews

Paul92391293120 15.02.2022

It's hard to find something worthwhile in the Tor, but thank you for your honesty.

Latest reviews

Unknown 15.02.2022

The balance turned out to be less for which you minus, but the wallet was transferred.

Latest reviews

Kamuson 10.02.2022

Thanks! I'm looking for a review discount.

Latest reviews

Ushan 07.02.2022

Excellent wallet, withdrew through cash after a couple of days without any problems

Latest reviews

Chris Fox. 05.02.2022

Thank you, everything went well, I will use your services as soon as I withdraw money to a new wallet xD

Latest reviews

Pavel 03.02.2022

Thank you for your work.

Latest reviews

Krishna 02.02.2022.

There were problems with the wallet when using it in India, but in the end everything worked out.

Latest reviews

Nox 01.02.2022

You guys are expensive but it's worth it

Latest reviews

Chris Fox 28.01.2022.

Thank you

Latest reviews

*****THEPOLICE 26.01.2022

I hope you also have wallets with other cryptocurrencies on sale

Latest reviews

Antonio 22.01.2022

Grazie dall'Italia!!

Latest reviews

Unknown 22.01.2022


Latest reviews

Rik0 20.01.2022

There were problems with the withdrawal, but the administration helped pretty quickly

Latest reviews

Zea 17.01.2022

I would never have thought that it is so easy to make money, the main thing is to withdraw wisely

Latest reviews

Nick00087 14.01.2022

I advise everyone who wants to earn money to withdraw only in cash, do not forget that wallets are stolen

Latest reviews

disaster 12.01.2022

very prompt response, thanks!

Latest reviews

Atom217 12.01.2022

I made myself a gift for the holidays, I'm waiting for a new wallet